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Hello from Big Winnie. Walleye action is very good . Work shore drops or bar tops from 14 to 18 feet of water. Minnow and jigging spoons working well. Best times are day break till ten am then again from 3 to dark. There is a bit of a break till ten pm when they start cruising again. Numbers of smaller fish being caught but sort through and you will get some 14 inchers . Some pout are being caught with the walleye later in the evening. We have a couple of great year classes coming up

Perch action is very good . They are making some shallow moves with the fair weather. Bar drops and main lake structures look to the edges in 16 to 20 feet of water. Shore drops they are ,making moves into 6 feet. Mast times they are chasing shinners into the 8 to 12 foot range. Jigging spoons and a minnow head works well. Glow colors seem better now.

Pike angling with tip ups is the way to go. Bar tops main lake hump tops and shore breaks all bringing them in. Set your tip ups 3 to 5 feet off bottom. Larger sucker minnows are the ticket for pike. That will keep the little walleye away.

Ice conditions have not changed in the last week or ten days. We have been warm for January. The lake is sitting from 13 to 16 inches on most of the body of water. South east shore ice is 18 to 20 inches. Tamarac bay is sitting at 14 to 15 inches. Just check into the resort you are staying at at you can get a current ice report.

Time to go fishing P{at.


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Denny’s Resort – Lake Winnibigoshish • 15017 16th Ave. NE • P.O. Box 8 • Bena, Minnesota 56626

(218) 665 - 2222

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