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Lake Winnie Ice Fishing Report for January 16, 2013

Hello, from Big Winnie! The northern pike fishing is still VERY VERY hot! Several beautiful pike over 40 inches being reported with a 18 lb monster pike being the biggest pike taken this week.

Right now, the walleye bite is rather spotty. One day the "keeper" fish bite, the next day it is all "slot" walleyes to put back - not many complaints though.

The jumbo perch bite has been challenging as of late. You need to check from 10 foot of water out to the basin areas in 35 to 40 feet to find any concentrations of perch. They are still making some big moves. On the west side of the lake, look to the birdhouses and the River Bar north to Sugar. On the south side of Winnie, check Horseshoe and Bena Bar as they are still kicking out good perch. On the east side, check for perch at Moxey Hole west to the Mud Humps, north of the Third River Bar. The Tamarac Bay river channel edge is doing ok, also, for perch. Spoons and minnow heads are working well. The perch and walleye are biting the same baits.

The tip-up fishermen are reporting the bulk of the pike catches, by far. One to six feet off bottom with bigger sucker minnows, up to 8 inches in length is working best for the tip-up guys.

Ice conditions have gotten better after a recent rain storm. We are at 17 to 18 inches most everywhere on the lake. The little snow left on the lake got wet, turned to slush and froze over (about an inch thick). Travel is good now. As always, check in to the resort you are accessing for an up to the minute road report.

See you on the lake!

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Denny’s Resort – Lake Winnibigoshish • 15017 16th Ave. NE • P.O. Box 8 • Bena, Minnesota 56626

(218) 665 - 2222

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