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Lake Winnie Ice Fishing Report for January 4, 2018

Happy New Year from Big Winnie!

The walleye are hitting late in the day, as you might expect. Fish them from 4 pm into the dark and continue for several hours, at least until 8:00 p.m. A simple, plain hook and larger minnows are the ticket to success. Look to the shore drops from 13 to 19 feet of water, and then set your baits 1 to 3 feet off bottom. Go ahead and "Dead Stick It" - less movement is better, believe it or not. Fishing the main lake bars, fish them this very same way: Fish the tops of the bars, in that 14 to 20 foot range.

Perch have been biting very well with plenty in the 9 to 10-inch range, with fatheads and orange or glow jigs smaller in size. Our water is a bit cloudy yet so they are biting strong all the way in to 9 feet of water out to about 20 feet. The bottom 12 inches of water is where to start, as a school moves in raise up above the school to get the larger fish out of the pack.

Pike are active and willing to bite on and off all day long. It's pretty awesome! Fish them with big suckers or shiners and 3 to 6 feet off bottom.

The ice is getting really good. We are at 19 to 22 inches now and gaining. Most resorts have some roads so check into where you are going out for direction, as we have rough ice in spots (was windy on freeze up).

Time to go fishing!

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Denny’s Resort – Lake Winnibigoshish • 15017 16th Ave. NE • P.O. Box 8 • Bena, Minnesota 56626

(218) 665 - 2222

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